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Where and How Are The Best Hazelnuts Grown in Our Country?

Where and How Are The Best Hazelnuts Grown in Our Country?
Most of the world hazelnut production takes place in Turkey. Hazelnut, which is very beneficial for health, is also very rich in omega oils.

Thanks to this beneficial food, which is recommended to be consumed for all ages, the quality of life is well preserved. Helping to prevent many diseases, hazelnut is also one of Turkey's most valuable agricultural products.

Hazelnut is the first food that comes to mind when the Black Sea is mentioned. Hazelnuts grow in abundance in the vast lands and fields of the Black Sea. This food, which has special growing conditions, is consumed abundantly in and outside the country after the harvest time. It is also used very often as oil and snack. The fruitfully growing hazelnut tree offers basic material for use in both food and cosmetics.

Many people seek the most effective answers to the question of how hazelnuts are grown. We have prepared an enlightening text on this subject for you. Hazelnut, one of the most famous products of the Black Sea climate, is frequently mentioned in these lines with its cultivation suggestions. You can read our article to the end to get to know the hazelnut, which is grown with great interest in the field of agriculture.

Where Are Most Hazelnuts Grown in Turkey?

When the words Turkey and hazelnut come together, the green highlands and villages of the Black Sea come to mind in the minds of a large part of the population. Many cities in the Black Sea are known worldwide for their hazelnut production. Especially Giresun is our province that stands out with hazelnut farming. If we talk about other regions; We can express the following table:

  • We can list many cities of the Black Sea for the question of where hazelnuts are grown.
  • Eastern Black Sea and Western Black Sea Regions produce hazelnuts well.
  • Giresun – Tirebolu can be stated as the location where the annual hazelnut harvest is made the most.
  • If you think that 8 out of every 10 hazelnuts consumed worldwide come from Turkey; Giresun will be one of the provinces whose name is mentioned the most in this denominator.
  • On sharply sloping soils; Hazelnuts grow in lands and gardens that are steeper than 20%.
  • Ordu, Rize, Trabzon and Artvin is one of the cities that come to the fore after Giresun.
  • When the Central and Western Black Sea Regions are considered on the map, the cities of Düzce, Samsun, Bolu, Sakarya, and Zonguldak also make a name for themselves with hazelnut production.
  • When analyzed in hazelnut production, its share in the world is 64%. Thanks to this high production share, Türkiye is known for hazelnuts.

How to Plant Hazelnuts?

Hazelnut, which is rich in magnesium and calcium, meets the soil with a special planting technique. This nutrient, which likes plenty of rain and moisture, grows until it becomes large trees. Tons of hazelnuts grow on the branches of the trees. For its planting, the recommended techniques will be:

  • Hazelnuts are planted as seedlings. The hazelnut planted from the sapling shows productive results in the best time.
    or large lands, it is recommended to plant hazelnut seedlings at the right time and with the right technique.
  • When planting hazelnut seedlings; It should be planted facing south. It is important to see the sun and feel the temperate.
  • Autumn to spring periods should be evaluated to be sensitive at planting time.
  • Seedlings are planted in warm soil during the period of harsh cold.
  • Nuts planted in the spring can take the snow water from the soil in the melted form. Especially the hazelnut trees located on the banks of streams and streams will give plenty of hazelnuts.
  • Let's give another answer to the question of how to grow hazelnuts as follows: Fertilization of the soil to be planted is also an important factor. In fertile soil, the hazelnut clings and grows faster.

How Does Hazelnut Grow?

Necessary conditions must be met for the hazelnut to grow in the desired way. Let's clarify these conditions by describing them in items:

  • Hazelnut is a tree that grows fertile on sloping soils. These trees love heavy rainfall.
  • Steep lands, especially in the Black Sea regions, are ideal locations for hazelnuts.
  • The hazelnut tree, which does not like drought, requires moist and warm weather at all times of the year.
  • The hazelnut tree, which is beneficial to both health and nature, also contributes to the resistance of the soil in which it is planted against erosion.